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For System Integrators

CraigCor Distribution has a proud history of partnering with System Integrators throughout the regions we service, and our long-standing System Integrator Programme provides a framework for the value-added services we offer. Over many years we have partnered with System Integrators and have built a thorough understanding of your specific business needs and to this end our Channel Account Managers are well equipped to work with you in a partnership that aims to build your business while you support ours.

How we work with SI's

You are key to the success of our business

Our relationship is a partnership of equals

We invest in building your business

We aim to offer the industry’s best partner programme

We collaborate to better serve the End User

We strive to make working with us easy

We do not compete with you as we do not offer project engineering services

We believe, above all else, in Ethics, Transparency and Honesty

Interested in working with us?

To get started please contact one of our Channel Account Managers (by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp) or complete the form below – we’ll get in touch with you shortly.

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